Friday, August 16, 2013

A Wardrobe for Autumn

August is, in general, not my favorite month.  In fact, it may be my least favorite month - Mother Nature assaults me with every possible allergy-inducing pollen and I spend the entirety of the month with watery eyes and a stuffy-but-also-runny nose.  The only redeeming feature of August, as far as I'm concerned, is that it means fall is on the way. 
I love fall.  I adore fall. Pumpkins, apple cider, changing leaves, and cooler temperatures - excellent.  To me, there is nothing better than pulling the cardigans and boots out of the closet.  We've had a few cool mornings here, and I'm already geeking out for autumn and all my yummy warm clothes.
My friend Mariah recently mentioned that she was sewing a fall wardrobe - a few dresses, skirts, shirts, and pants - and it got me to thinking about my cold weather clothes.  I don't really have a cohesive non-work wardrobe, mostly I purchase things that catch my eye without much thought into how it fits in with everything else.  I don't necessarily need a TON of clothes, but  I'd love to have a go-to set of casual (yet stylish) clothes that work together, and I think sewing a few pieces would be a great step in the right direction.

I started by taking an inventory of what I already have:
3 skirts, 2 pairs of trousers (1 pair cropped), 2 pairs of jeans (1 pair suitable with heels only), LOTS of stockings & tights
5 cardigans, 2 tunic-length sweaters, 1 dress, 2 oxford shirts, 2 pull-over sweaters.
As you can see, I own a lot of stockings and tights, but not many skirts or dresses.  I also own quite a few cardigans, but very few pieces to go underneath.  Also, I have no fall-weather jacket.  My old jacket has seen far better days and needs to be retired.

So this is the plan: make a jacket, two skirts, a pair of pants and two dresses.  I already have fabric for the jacket and a fabric that could be for a skirt or pants - just not sure which one yet.

I've started a Pinterest board of patterns and fabrics I'm considering for this endeavor.  Check it out here. 


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